Google Analytics For Gatsby!

March 13, 2021

I’ve wanted to add analytics capabilities to this website for a while. And, Google Analytics sounded like the tool with the least resistance. I am aware of the nasty consequences of using Google Analytics versus an ethical and privacy-focused alternative. Some day I will make the shift. For now, to get familiar with analytics Google Analytics will do.

I knew a Gatsby plug-in i.e. gatsby-plugin-google-analytics enabled integration with Google Analytics. However, in late 2020 Google Analytics got an upgrade.

Without getting confused with details, here are two points to understand how a Gatsby site is affected by this upgrade.

  • The tracking ID (or unique identifier that Google Analytics associates with a site) was associated with a Universal Analytics property before October 14, 2020. The gatsby-plugin-google-analytics supported this Universal Analytics property.
  • The upgrade uses a Google Analytics 4 property (by default). The tracking ID is associated with this new Google Analytics 4 property. The gatsby-plugin-google-analytics does not support this new property. A new plug-in, gatsby-plugin-google-gtag enables integration with the upgraded version.

Let’s get started with adding analytics to our Gatsby site.

1. Set up Google Analytics

This video is a great resource for this step.

And this video goes over the same thing. Except at the 5-minute mark, there is an explanation for the data stream set up specifically for a static site (i.e. any site Gatsby generates).

You’ll obviously need to set up a Google Analytics account. You can follow the steps here, to do the following,

  1. Create an Analytics account.
  2. Create a Google Analytics 4 property.
  3. Add a data stream (for Web, not an app).

    —> Settings > Enhanced measurement > Page views > Uncheck “page changes based on browser history events”.

  4. Set up data collection (for websites)

    —> Navigate to Admin > Property > Data Streams > Click on your website to see Web Stream Details. Copy the Measurement ID.

2. Configure the Gatsby Plug-in

The gatsby-plugin-google-gtag docs provide the steps to configure this plug-in.

After struggling and eventually getting answers from StackOverflow and YouTube, I have some pointers here,

  1. This plug-in should be the first one in the gatsby-config.js file.
  2. Paste the Measurement ID against the trackingIds option.
  3. Set the ‘head’ option to true.
  4. I got rid of the other options for simplicity.

And, we are done. To test if this works, let’s run our Gatsby site in production mode, so run gatsby build && gatsby serve. Click around the site links. Navigate to the Google Analytics dashboard and you should see some live user activity!


The gatsby-plugin-google-gtag plug-in docs mention that this plugin only works in production mode. So run, gatsby build && gatsby serve. If you run, gatsby develop, you’ll receive a warning:

warn Plugin gatsby-plugin-google-gtag is not compatible with your gatsby version 2.22.15 - It requires >gatsby@^3.0.0-next.0

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